Monday, October 19, 2009

The last crack party (I hope)

Welcome to (hopefully) our last crack party. Out of the original 14 eggs, 7 were definitely not going anywhere. So last night when we officially entered "lockdown" I decided to remove them from the incubator. According to our friends at BYC, non-fertile eggs or fertile eggs that have stopped developing can sometimes explode in the incubator. Although I hadn't seen any signs of that, I went ahead and removed them and this morning I took them outside to do a little postmortem.

crack party

As before the majority of the eggs were non-starters. In other words, I have spent the last 18 days pretty much making really nasty scrambled eggs. This should be looking familiar by now:

scrambled eggs

What was different this time is that we had a couple of "quitters," too. There were three eggs that obviously had something growing inside. I didn't look too closely (because I am of a sensitive nature, of course) but they didn't seem to be too far along. I'd say they probably stopped growing in the second week. Among these were the two that had clear "blood rings" last week.


So there are 7 eggs left and we're officially on "lockdown" now for the last three days of incubation. I candled last night before closing them in and didn't see any movement--but there isn't a lot of room in there to move so I'm trying to remain hopeful. Wednesday is our 21st day but I've told myself I'll give them until Friday before freaking out. Which means pretty much Tuesday noon. :-)

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