Sunday, September 6, 2009

A promise to my unhatched eggs

When (if?) these eggs hatch they won't be pets the same way that the dogs and cats are. They'll be moving outside as soon as they're old enough and they will never, ever be allowed in the bed. ;-) They are, however, still living beings that I'm going to be responsible for and I have to make promises to them the same way that I have made to my other animals. To everyone I promise to make sure they always have enough food and water and adequate shelter. To the cats I promise to never declaw them. To the dogs I promise to never let them off lead in an unfenced area. To the chickens I promise to never make them wear saddles.

Really, people. Saddles? Aprons? For chickens? Okay, I guess with the explanation I get that they might be a necessary thing to protect chickens against violent roosters--but I'd rather just get rid of the roosters with the issues. Since I'm planning on inviting any roosters to dinner (haha) that shouldn't be an issue. So I think I can safely promise my future chicks that their dignity (and their feathers) will be safe.

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